You know there are lot of application for "Windows" to decorate the Desktop Screen like widgets, themes (Rainmeter) . So, for Mac what we have to do
Here is the answer "GeekTool", is available in Mac App Store and it is around 1Mb . So First Download that,
Secondly, we are going to add some cool widgets with basic shell programs . So after doing so what will happen ?
Your Desktop Looks awesome like the one below ,
That is how my Desktop looks like .
Now, we will see some quick review about the geektool.
Download the Geektool , currently 3.0 is in available so i am going to show how to code in that .
Geektool :
Geektool consists of three types of geeklets ie,
1 . File
2 . Image
3 . Shell
More often i am about to say only shell, drag the shell and place over any part of the desktop and then Geeklet Properties comes to visible and we have some options like
2.change color and fonts
3.status of the command
For Date : Date "+%H:%M:%S"
so next you have to go and change some fonts and make it attractive and so on.
Openly saying i am a Big Fan of IRON MAN so i thought this will be cool to look, by echoing the disk status as "Arc Reactor status" and for computer memory space as "Jarvis Status" . One more thing you have to make the clock run dynamically right ?
There is a option with the text Box "Refresh" set 1 so it will be automatically takes the system time and looks it is running . Cool ! isin't .
Next calender
cal - it displays the current month with the weeks of the day .
These are some basic stuff i said above , lets code with shell to see you mail in the desktop .
Open any text editor and type or copy paste the coding :
tell application "System Events"
set processList to (name of every process)
end tell
if processList contains "Mail" then
tell application "Mail"
if (unread count of inbox) > 0 then
set messageList to (messages of inbox) whose read status is false
set output to ""
repeat with itemNum from 1 to (unread count of inbox)
set output to output & (extract name from sender of item itemNum of messageList) & ": " & subject of item itemNum of messageList & return
end repeat
end if
end tell
set output to "Mail not open :("
end if
Paste the following code any where and then type the command in
command as : osascript ~/Documents/waybig/mail.scpt .
In this i have the file inside the Documents/waybig/mail.scpt
If the application Mail is not opened it will just show "Mail not oped :(" . This code works if only the is active .
Always use the status radio button to check your command works good .
This is how you can make your desktop look awesome .
- Prasanna Vijayan , blogger .
Here is the answer "GeekTool", is available in Mac App Store and it is around 1Mb . So First Download that,
Secondly, we are going to add some cool widgets with basic shell programs . So after doing so what will happen ?
Your Desktop Looks awesome like the one below ,
That is how my Desktop looks like .
Now, we will see some quick review about the geektool.
Download the Geektool , currently 3.0 is in available so i am going to show how to code in that .
Geektool :
1 . File
2 . Image
3 . Shell
More often i am about to say only shell, drag the shell and place over any part of the desktop and then Geeklet Properties comes to visible and we have some options like
2.change color and fonts
3.status of the command
For Date : Date "+%H:%M:%S"
so next you have to go and change some fonts and make it attractive and so on.
Openly saying i am a Big Fan of IRON MAN so i thought this will be cool to look, by echoing the disk status as "Arc Reactor status" and for computer memory space as "Jarvis Status" . One more thing you have to make the clock run dynamically right ?
There is a option with the text Box "Refresh" set 1 so it will be automatically takes the system time and looks it is running . Cool ! isin't .
Next calender
cal - it displays the current month with the weeks of the day .
These are some basic stuff i said above , lets code with shell to see you mail in the desktop .
Open any text editor and type or copy paste the coding :
tell application "System Events"
set processList to (name of every process)
end tell
if processList contains "Mail" then
tell application "Mail"
if (unread count of inbox) > 0 then
set messageList to (messages of inbox) whose read status is false
set output to ""
repeat with itemNum from 1 to (unread count of inbox)
set output to output & (extract name from sender of item itemNum of messageList) & ": " & subject of item itemNum of messageList & return
end repeat
end if
end tell
set output to "Mail not open :("
end if
Paste the following code any where and then type the command in
command as : osascript ~/Documents/waybig/mail.scpt .
In this i have the file inside the Documents/waybig/mail.scpt
If the application Mail is not opened it will just show "Mail not oped :(" . This code works if only the is active .
Always use the status radio button to check your command works good .
This is how you can make your desktop look awesome .
- Prasanna Vijayan , blogger .
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